

Water & Allied Resources Information and Management System (WARIMS)

Water and Allied Resources Information and Management System (WARIMS) (formerly known as “Integrated Water and Crop Information and Management System (IWCIMS)”) is envisaged to be a cloud based digital platform (Decision Support System) for management of water resources and allied themes in an integrated manner. The platform would be capable of handling large amount of hydro-meteorological and hydrogeological data to bring meaningful insights to decision-making processes.

WARIMS will be developed as a holistic and comprehensive platform that will integrate applications related to water resources and allied themes for irrigation management, reservoir management, water use efficiency, flood forecasting, ground water level, ground water quality etc. thereby acting as a unified system covering nearly all the related programs / schemes of MoJS. This decision support platform will help administrators, planners, decision-makers and scientists through 09 thought-out themes having 68 applications.

Themes and applications:

  1. Surface Water Resources: This theme of WARIMS will integrate databases, models, and scenario managers for the development of applications on flood forecasting, integrated reservoir operations, dam health, river basin management, wetland management etc.
  2. Ground Water Resources: Ground Water theme would provide the knowledge both on aquifer performance and groundwater governance to achieve integrated groundwater management.
  3. Water Utilization: This theme will provide information up to panchayat/village level on water requirement and availability, rainfall, soil moisture, groundwater level and water structures to allow decision-makers to analyse hydrological data, run different simulations & water allocation models and study the effect of potential decisions.
  4. Water Quality: This theme will be focused on disseminating information on the quality of surface water and groundwater and creating control strategies for wastewater treatment. The application will also help in developing effective strategies for wastewater treatment control. The goal is to establish standardized data sets and quality indexing, which will be presented through user-friendly dashboards for planners and decision-makers. Additionally, this initiative will address water quality status, issues, indices, standards, long-term and short-term trends, and the protection of this precious resource from further deterioration.
  5. Water Harvesting: This theme primarily combines Remote Sensing, field survey and Geographic Information System techniques to identify suitable Ground Water Recharge areas. It aims to understand the water recharge capacity, mark the areas as water deficit or water surplus and provide information on Artificial Recharge methodology suitable in the region. The proposed applications to be developed under this theme include Artificial Recharge, Water Transfer, Water Budgeting, and Water Footprint.
  6. Event Analysis: This theme contains information and applications on water-related events i.e., natural events, human-induced, or their combination. Within this thematic framework, a range of applications will be developed that encompass Glacial Analysis, Drought Analysis, Flood Analysis, and Coastal Flood Analysis.
  7. Project Management: This theme will be focused on the submission, review, and approval of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for central assistance and dashboards with MIS support for project monitoring. This theme will allow various departments of MoJS to monitor the projects for all the states. It comprises two applications: Project Appraisal and Project Monitoring
  8. Self-Service Analytics: This module will enable users to choose their area of interest, add their own data, multiple tools and perform analysis on the fly. The focus of this theme will be to empower users throughout MoJS to effortlessly access data and derive valuable insights, without the need for extensive technical expertise or dependence on IT professionals. The applications of this theme are Self-Service Analytics-GIS Tools, Self-Service Analytics-Hydrological Tools and Self-Service Analytics-Common Master Data.
  9. Knowledge Centre: This theme will be a self-serve service library that will include information about the various studies and surveys being taken up by various Internal agencies of MoJS that helps users find answers so they can benefit from the results obtained through such publications, reports, surveys and studies. The library will have AI/ML based search to enable user search for the relevant study / document / survey / reports / data etc. The Knowledge Centre will be a library containing information on various studies and surveys carried out by different MoJS organizations to benefit users from these.

As on date, the feasibility phase of the project has been completed.

An Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) is proposed to be setup as a Support Centre for the proposed Infrastructure and will be equipped with a help desk to address technical problems experienced by various WARIMS user groups.

A Geospatial Analytics Lab (GAL) will be made for developing IT infrastructure for storing, managing, processing, and disseminating geospatial data related to water & allied themes. To achieve this, an extensive analysis of available data collected from various sources, organization of data in a standardized GIS format, and dissemination of processed data will be accomplished through GIS-enabled information systems.

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